broklyn Our missions started 15 years ago as we started to repair most of the times technological devices. We were dedicated to learn most of the hardware requirements and implementations. We got certified and accredited by major Universities and Trade schools. We Understand how electricity transforms into a device that can allow you to communicate to the world.
Linksma :D taip ir matau lietuvaičius Anglijoje statybose "darbuojantis" :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiEilinė lietuvio diena Anglijoje :D Važiuokite važiuokite, vyrai. Jūsų, Anglijoje tik ir trūksta :P
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Our missions started 15 years ago as we started to repair most of the times technological devices. We were dedicated to learn most of the hardware requirements and implementations. We got certified and accredited by major Universities and Trade schools. We Understand how electricity transforms into a device that can allow you to communicate to the world.